Pink Dragon is a leading France-based cultural media and event management company with a primary focus on Chinese-language content and initiatives. As a dynamic and innovative enterprise, Pink Dragon is dedicated to promoting cross-cultural understanding and exchange between Europe and Asia, particularly China.

At the core of Pink Dragon's mission is the organization of a wide range of cultural events, workshops, and social media campaigns. By curating and hosting these engaging activities, Pink Dragon seeks to bridge cultural gaps, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asia's vibrant contemporary cultural scene among European audiences. These events not only showcase the richness and diversity of Asian culture but also create opportunities for meaningful dialogue and collaboration between artists, intellectuals, and enthusiasts from both continents.

In addition to its event management expertise, Pink Dragon boasts a robust network of influential Chinese-language social media influencers and KOLs. This powerful alliance allows Pink Dragon to effectively introduce a variety of European cultural products to the vast and receptive Chinese market. By leveraging the reach and credibility of these influencers, Pink Dragon ensures that the essence and appeal of European culture are conveyed to Chinese audiences in a relatable and engaging manner.

Simultaneously, Pink Dragon is committed to promoting the best of Chinese culture to European audiences. By carefully selecting and presenting outstanding examples of Chinese art, literature, music, and other cultural expressions, Pink Dragon aims to dispel stereotypes and cultivate a more nuanced and appreciative understanding of China's cultural heritage and contemporary achievements among Europeans.

Through its multifaceted approach, combining event management, social media marketing, and cross-cultural promotion, Pink Dragon has established itself as a vital link between the cultural landscapes of Europe and Asia. As it continues to grow and evolve, Pink Dragon remains dedicated to its mission of fostering mutual understanding, respect, and collaboration between these two great cultural spheres.